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For spiritual coaches and soulful entrepreneurs who are ready to manifest ...

  • Consistent cash months

  • Increased and overflow of income

  • More confidence in their money-making abilities

  • Build generational wealth

  • Change their money relationship so they can focus on sharing their gifts and making an impact on the world


I have accomplished these things and more.

And like most successful entrepreneurs, I wasn't always here and had to work through a lot of inner sh*t to get here.


I got to my point of being fed up.


I was tired of working hard and always being short of money.


I was tired of working hard and still feeling nowhere close to where or who I wanted to be.


I was especially tired of seeing everyone else fly by when I knew I was just as talented, committed, and gifted as them.



I had enough.


Finally, I said to myself,


"If I created this reality, I can create ANY reality"


So in true Manifestor style, off I went and haven't looked back.


With lifetimes of learning in my back pocket, I was determined once and for all to hit my next level but to do it differently.


You see I have always been amazing at manifesting everything I have ever wanted - dream careers, husband, kids, lakeside apartments, dream house, clients, money...


But this time I was more intentional about how I was going to do it.


I wanted to do it in a way I could replicate.

I wanted to do it in a way I can maintain and grow upon, no matter how slow.

I wanted to do it in a way that wasn't going to burn me out.

I wanted to do it in a way that was authentic to me (not how most of society says to do it).

I wanted to do it in a way I was most proud of.


I can safely say I have done it.


✴︎ I built my businesses in a sustainable and simplistic way

✴︎ I enjoy consistent income

✴︎ My income keeps increasing month by month

✴︎ Should there be a dip, my confidence no longer wavers

✴︎ I have and continue building generational wealth

✴︎ My money management skills are something I am proud of and already started teaching my kids

✴︎ I experience true peace and freedom while running 3 businesses (ICF-accredited coaching school, my coaching practice, and Airbnb)

✴︎ I love my life and life keeps getting better

✴︎ I keep getting better


I went from torment, worry, and fear of losing everything to living a life that feels expansive, light, and free. And it keeps evolving and getting better.


One thing I have learned along the way is my relationship with money had a lot to do with it.  I learned how to free myself from money as I was striving to build a life of financial freedom.


Our attachment to money is what limits us.

Our freedom from money is what allows it in.


This is why I desire to teach you how to create a better relationship with money so that you can create true financial freedom. With true financial freedom, you can set yourself emotionally free, show up as your authentic self, and make a real impact in changing lives.


Too often when entrepreneurs strive for financial freedom they don't feel free on the journey.

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Where you rewire your entire consciousness and being to create a life of financial overflow in

9 months or less!

All of my greatest manifestations have taken 9 months or less. I will help you do the same!

When I look back to where I was over a year ago - more money going out than in, wondering and worrying when money will come next, feel lack and ashamed of who I was and where I was even though I was actively working hard on myself and finances...I was just not where I desired to be.


I can stand here and type to you that through it all, even through the tiny glimmer of hope or a soft sense of what you desire, IT IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU.


That life you envision, money and all, wouldn't be possible to conceive if it was impossible to achieve (a tattoo on my arm says so)


I want to rewrite your story around money.


I want to rewrite how we interact with money.


I want to rewrite how we feel about money.


I want to rewrite how we feel about ourselves because of money.


Because when we do, I believe we experience true freedom and return to our infinite power to manifest any life we'd like.


Are you ready to flip the switch and never turn back in creating a life of true abundance, wealth, and freedom?


Everything I will teach and guide you through in this portal are all the tools and lessons I experienced in creating my life in overflow:

  • Consistent monthly income

  • Increased monthly income

  • Savings in the bank

  • Chunking down debt (plus a healthier relationship with debt)

  • Multiple investments

  • Time, energy, and emotional freedom while running 3 businesses

  • How I got out of work/a career I didn't love

  • Monthly spa dates with myself

  • Frequent date nights

  • Fun family weekends away

  • Increased financial literacy and money management skills

  • Increased confidence and trust in what I have created and in the next level of where I am going


Whatever "life in overflow" means for you, I have the gift of bringing into reality what is seen and felt on the Infinite Field/Energetic level and I will help you do the same.


Here is what a client recently shared with me after going through Portal to Overflow:





In addition to this, I have helped my clients manifest new jobs, bonuses, and raises, start and build successful coaching businesses, pay in full dream clients, and live the life their hearts dreamed of. What are you ready to manifest? I am here to partner with you to actualize beyond your wildest dreams!


Seriously, even I still get taken aback when I manifest my desires. Just the other day I looked at my bank account and realized I reached my new five-figure monthly goal and had money left over that had me thinking "Hmm....what do I desire to do with this?"


What would you do when you are living your life in overflow?

Rewire your consciousness & being to create a life of
financial overflow!

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9 month mastermind

  • 2 calls per month where I share wisdom and training to unlock your next level of financial wealth + abundance and hot-seat coaching​

  • Unlimited chat support via Telegram to ask any questions and gain extra support as you are fine-tuning your entire being in alignment to wealth + abundance

  • Immediate access to our online portal of self-paced training, tools, and wisdom to start building your life of overflow

  • Lifetime access to training and recordings



$850 CAD per month


$6500 CAD PIF

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US residents can receive a locked-in USD rate

After 9-months of high-level support, I can safely say you will walk away with...

  • A stronger and more confident relationship with money and self

  • New money pathways & evidence of money unfolding in your life

  • Confidence and trust in the life you have built and the life unfolding

  • A different outlook and landscape of your financial life

  • A clear pathway to the next level you are ready to manifest

The process I take you through to

In every mastermind session I lead, I will start with teaching a lesson or tool that will unlock the next level of abundance and overflow in your life.


My style of coaching and teaching is rooted in quantum field/energetics (because that is who we are at the core and the point of creation) as well as a balanced with a practical human approach in mindset work, emotional intelligence, body wisdom, nervous system regulation, and aligned actions and strategies.


I have a gift for tuning into and operating from the Infinite Field and "humanizing" it to bring it into physical reality so that you are experiencing true alignment and fulfillment of your soul's destiny and desires.


This is not a "get rich quick" or ego manifesation program. This is about coming here to do, be, and experience all your soul set out to do. Without that, it will keep pulsing within you.


My most successful clients are those who know what they want, take their lives in their hands, and co-create with their Higher Power to create a soul-aligned, authentic, meaningful life and results. â€‹





Some of my coaching techniques include everything but are not limited to energetics, clearings, EFT, working with your Higher Power, expanding consciousness and updating mindsets, reprograming your cellular body, regulating the nervous system, emotional intelligence and healing, creating a feel-good action plan that feels most authentic and in alignment to you. When we address all aspects of your being and align that, you will notice your manifesting journey feels more enjoyable, and the momentum and timing speed up. In addition to years of training and coach experience, my manifesting approach has been deepened through my own life's work and trial and error walking the path before you, making it a little easier and faster for your manifestations.


I fully embody the work I do, knowing I was put on this earth to help others experience the most expansive, abundant, joy-filled life.


In the past three years, especially, I experienced some of my hardest lessons in business, money, and self. And now I know it was because I was walking the path before you so that you too can create and live out your life in overflow.


I am honored to be your guide in your portal to overflow!

"Everything I wrote down since working with you has come true!"


More about me

If you are familiar with me or are brand new to my world, welcome! I am Minerva and so truly honored and grateful to have you here. You are why I am here. My God-given purpose is to help you create that expansive life of your dreams and have fun doing it!


From a young age, I knew there was always something greater and bigger possible. I believed in the "impossible" (I'm possible). All my life experiences, good and bad and ugly, were all preparing me for this moment in time - to teach you how to create your life in overflow- your "I'm possible".


But I am here to teach you how to do this differently than we've been taught, told, or witnessed.


You are meant to enjoy your life now.​

You are meant to do it YOUR way.

You are meant to receive it.

You are meant to be YOU now.

Not "when" it happens.​


So if you can feel it, see it, or even sense it then it IS possible for you, or else you wouldn't be able to fathom it.


I am a Manifestation Coach for spiritual coaches and soulful entrepreneurs and I am here to help you create that life your soul deeply desires. 


Let's do this!

Image by Katie Harp
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